Sunday, June 17, 2012

DIY: Charging Rack

Hey guys! Check out this cute DIY charging rack idea after the jump!

Hey guys!
I never know where to put my chargers. I alwasys just unplug them and and throw them back on the floor. One of my close friends just puts all of her chargers in a wicker basket. However, the chords always get caught and it’s hard to easily grab a specific charger.

So, I went on a “mission” to find a cute DIY for a charger organizer/rack, and I found one! There were tons of them, but I especially liked this one. Maybe it was because it was white… but I loved the simplicity of it! If you already have a organizer like the one above, all you have to do is put hooks on the slots. Hook your chargers, and you’re done!
Hope you enjoyed this post—thanks for reading! Let me know if you’ll try this DIY!
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-Anna, xoxo ^.^

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Love the color combination. Try making pipe rack for your next DIY project. We love to see how it will look like. Pipe Joint System
